Customer Journey Map Templates and Available Templates

Customer Journey Map (Customer journey map) is a summary of the customer experience journey with the business. Based on this map, you can analyze the effective or ineffective "touch points" in the business operation process to come up with appropriate improvement solutions.

You can read the article: Process and principles of creating customer journey maps. To understand the importance of customer experience and the principles of building an effective journey map.

Customer journey map template

1. Current purchase status sample.

You can use this template to summarize customer states such as awareness, search, product comparison, purchase decision, and post-purchase service support process.

Awareness Search Compare Purchase decision After-sales service
Thoughts and feelings
Customer Actions
Point of contact
Suggested improvements

2. Personal life model.

This journey map template shows all the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, needs, and pain points of your customers in their daily routine. Whether they interact with your business or not. Make it clear through time points throughout the day, you can define time points as specific hours or sessions.

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Late night
Customer thoughts and feelings
Unmet need
Pain Point
How customers solve problems.

3. Future state journey template.

Similar to the current state model, this model reflects predictions about the future customer journey. Since these will take place in the future, you can customize the following timeline to suit your business.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
Future customer thoughts and feelings
Future behavior
Future touchpoints
Suggested improvements

4. Detailed service plan template.

This is an in-depth exploration model that does not follow specific stages in the customer journey. Instead, it relies on real evidence and tangible elements to impress on quality and price. The service blueprint model does not usually take a specific customer group, but rather takes all customers and all external factors that can impact the customer journey.

PE 1 PE 2 PE 3 PE 4 PE 5 PE 6 PE 7
Customer service
Input contact point
Terminal Contact Point
Support processes

5. Buyer's journey model.

Buyer Journey Awareness Consider Make a decision
Point of contact
Customer pain points

Customer journey maps of some businesses.

1. HubSpot's customer journey map.

bản đồ hành trình mẫu


2. Dapper's B2B Customer Journey Template

bản đồ hành trình khách hàng b2b


3. E-Commerce customer journey map template.

hành trình khách hàng tmđt


4. Predicted future B2C customer journey model.

hành trình khách hàng trong tương lai


5. Retail customer journey map template.

bản đồ hành trình khách hàng ngành retail

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