The effective customer care plan template was updated by Bellsystem24-Vietnam in 2022. You can refer to and follow the following steps to realize the idea of building a systematic customer care plan for your business. This article will provide an action plan according to the process from the inside out, that is, based on the internal foundation and then towards the customer.

Step 1: Create a service culture.

Determine the business philosophy and vision of the company and communicate it to all company personnel, implementing it throughout the operation process.

văn hóa công ty

For example, FedEx CEO Fred Smith always emphasizes to his employees that: FedEx is an important part, has the greatest influence in the history of global trade, FedEx employees are working every day and becoming a part of this history.

Communicate throughout the organization the job descriptions and responsibilities of each customer service employee and highlight their value to the success of the organization.

Step 2: Delegate tasks – Develop team leadership skills.

  • Identify employee levels, titles, and job responsibilities.
  • Regularly create training opportunities to improve skills and identify competition programs for each customer service team to compete with each other.

Step 3: Recruit and retain good employees.

  • Create incentive programs for employees (especially good employees) to refer new employees, employees they know.

For example: Bellsystem24-Vietnam uses a cash reward mechanism for employees who refer acquaintances to work.

  • Develop innovative, quality recruitment strategies and processes.

“Recruiting and retaining good employees is the core foundation for creating high quality customer service”

Step 4: Create opportunities for employees to develop

  • Develop a training plan for skills/knowledge related to the organization's target activities.
  • Ensure the number of training hours/sessions that each employee must attend within a certain period of time (Month/quarter/year)
  • Ensure training is effective and improves the quality of customer care the business is providing.

Step 5: Listen and understand customers.

Identify customer needs with methods:

  • Survey.
  • Chat.
  • Consult customers in groups (with similar interests/behaviors, etc.)

Identify appropriate interaction and care methods based on data mined from customer needs.

Step 6: Apply advanced technology to support customer care process.

  • Apply and leverage the power of existing customer care technologies.
  • Update new resources, knowledge, technology platforms to continuously upgrade.
  • Train employees in knowledge and working methods when applying technology.

Step 7: Empower employees to innovate.

Based on the actual desires of customers, businesses can:

  • Encourage employees to give suggestions and ideas to improve customer service processes.
  • Review, acknowledge and approve implementation if employee's proposal is appropriate.

Step 8: Implementation and evaluation.

  • Based on improvement suggestions, implement customer care activities.
  • Measurement and analysis based on measurement support tools after a certain period of time or by campaign.
  • Propose improvement methods based on the evaluation results.

Step 9: Recognize and reward employees.

Implement formal rewards and recognition programs to celebrate or honor employees who have performed well on the job. Forms may include.

  • Medals, certificates of merit.
  • The prize is for use of services at a certain location.
  • Travel holiday packages.
  • Cash.

Use rewards with spiritual value. In cases where immediate rewards are needed, you can refer to the following suggestions:

  • Organize a small party.
  • Thank you letter from management.
  • Honored in company newsletter or media channels.

Step 10: Support the community.

  • Choose community projects that align with your business values and operating philosophy.
  • Identify the PR and communication benefits that the business will receive, along with the benefits of the community.
  • Determine investment level.
  • Promote positive awareness and channel employees to action.

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With these 10 suggested steps for planning customer care, Bellsystem24-Vietnam I hope you will find a solution to standardize your customer care operations process for your business. Believe in your plan, always maintain a positive source of energy for your team, and continuously monitor and evaluate to come up with better improvement solutions.

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